Surgeon will carefully review your case and prepare an initial evaluation, including a price quote for procedure(s).
Fill out the Medical Questionnaire
The first and most essential step to a successful surgery is for doctor to learn as much about patient as possible. This Medical Questionnaire helps our plastic surgeons determine if you are medically qualified for your surgery.
Get surgeon feedback
After you fill out the Questionnaire, a plastic surgeon from your preferred hospital will carefully review your case and prepare an initial evaluation, including a price quote for procedure(s) of your choice.
Schedule a surgery date
Beauty Med representative will share the doctor’s preliminary evaluation and price quote with you, answer any questions you may have, and schedule a surgery date.
Beauty Med will help arrange your trip to Thailand, including taking care of all hospital administrative and patient admission procedures, airport pick up, hospital/hotel transfers, and more — absolutely free for you.
Private, Secure, and Confidential
Information you provide in this Questionnaire will become part of your private medical record, used only by the hospital where you have your operation.
All data, including images is sent through an encrypted SSL protocol.